1:1 LinkedIn Training

Boost Your Visibility and Engagement on LinkedIn

Linkedin is now the most powerful business networking platform on the planet. But most people don’t know where to start.

Having a great LinkedIn profile is one of the best passive job search actions you can take.

>95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates and it has also grown exponentially as a place where people go to search for jobs.

It is also the single best place for you to grow your personal brand and visibility.

What you’ll get.

A personalised audit of your LinkedIn profile sent to you before your session.

A 60 minute 1:1 training session showing you:

  • How to set up your LinkedIn profile to maximise your impact.

  • How to navigate LinkedIn

  • How to train the algorithm to show you content you want to see

  • And I'll teach you how engage on LinkedIn when you don’t want to post. 

Because if you don’t engage, your visibility will be poor and you are far less likely to be approached about a new and exciting job opportuity.

Message me for prices for company LI training or group training options.

Contact Me Now

*10% GST applies to Australian residents.