Is Career Coaching the next step for you?
There are times in your career when you just feel ‘stuck’. You are not sure whether to stay or go.
Whether to keep doing what you are doing, or work towards something different.
You may be a leader who wants to move to the next level, but needs some additional skills and confidence to get there.
You may be an executive or aspiring executive who needs independent support or mentoring.
Or things may be tough in your career right now for any number of reasons, and you can’t see a way through.
Working with an independent and qualified career coach is a great way to get the support you need.
With over 30 years leadership and business experience gained from holding executive positions in major companies,
my coaching approach comes from a business, rather than an HR perspective.
I have experienced incredible leaders on my journey, leaders who did not deserve the title and many in-between.
I am a straight-talker who will not only be your cheerleader, but who will also hold you accountable for your commitments.